A welcoming community, growing and learning together.

West Acton Primary School, Noel Road, London W3 0JL


0208 992 3144



Statement of Intent 

At West Acton we strive to deliver a high quality physical education (PE) curriculum that inspires all pupils achieve their full potential in sports, physical activity, wider health and well-being activities beyond the curriculum.  Our physical education curriculum is designed to ensure all pupils have access to 2 hours of physical education, sport, physical activity and well-being activities each week. 

We are committed to supporting all pupils to have the confidence and capability to perform to the best of their ability across our physical education curriculum through ensuring our curriculum is engaging and inspiring. We believe that physical education helps foster teamwork, inclusion, communication and social skills as well as being a vital part of promoting lifelong physical and mental well-being. It promotes active and healthy lifestyles, physical skills and physical development. As such our physical education curriculum is aligned to our school Values of: 

  • Courage 

  • Consideration 

  • Collaboration  

In line with the national curriculum for physical education here at West Acton we aim to ensure all pupils: 

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities  

  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time  

  • Engage in competitive sports and activities  

  • Lead healthy, active lives. 

At the end of every key stage, pupils will understand how to apply and understand the matters, skills and techniques relevant to the topics being learnt each term.  


  • Physical education at West Acton Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; team building games, gymnastics, dance, ball skills, invasion games and track and field. 

  • The physical education curriculum is led by a Senior Leader (Assistant Head) and is delivered by our sports coach and class teachers. 

  • The long term plan has been developed by the Senior Leader leading physical education. It sets out the physical education units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. 

  • Pupils participate in high quality physical education lessons led by the sports coach. Progression in these is carefully planned for across the school and within year groups.   

  • Children also participate in ’10-A-Day’ which ensures all children complete ten minutes of daily exercise, including the daily mile, outside mini-games and indoor challenges. 

  • In addition, children are encouraged to participate in a comprehensive extra-curricular programme of activities. This includes after school clubs as well as well-being days where pupils have the opportunity to participate in yoga, tai-chi and relaxation sessions. 

  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. There is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills.  

  • The physical education curriculum is further enhanced by our Active Champions whose leadership supports our pupils to participate in additional games and aerobic opportunities. 


Our physical education curriculum is high quality, inclusive, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. Through completing the curriculum, pupils are deemed to be making expected progress. This is monitored through a fully planned assessment process which feeds in to whole-school systems. Children all have the opportunity to represent the school at sport competitions or festivals. Regardless of social/economic grouping, all children have free access to after-school sports clubs which support their physical and mental well-being. 


Partnership with Parents and Local Community 

Parents are encouraged to support their child’s education in all subjects and are invited to many events. They are also welcome to attend some sports competitions that their child is participating in when possible.   

West Acton Primary School buys in to Featherstone School Sports Partnership (FSSP). As well as supporting us with CPD and curriculum enhancement, FSSP also enables our pupils to compete in many sports competitions against local schools. This enables our pupils to develop their team building skills as well as interact with children from across the community.  


Equal Opportunity 

We aim to provide a curriculum that all pupils can access. This means personalising and adapting our practice to target the needs of our pupils, setting individual targets where appropriate and valuing the diverse experiences that our pupils bring to school. It also includes providing specialised resources where appropriate. 

Gender and race issues are examined and discussed to provide a suitable curriculum.   

We have high expectations of all our children and aim to overcome any potential barriers to their learning.  

For further information please refer to the Equal Opportunities Policy and Accessibility Plan 

Special Educational Needs 

Our physical education curriculum ensures all children are included and supported to reach their potential within mainstream physical education lessons. Our detailed lesson plans ensure all children’s abilities are catered for and lessons are adapted where necessary.

We aim to meet the individual needs of all our pupils; some pupils require a more personalised approach to access the curriculum and this is fully discussed with parents. Decisions about support and personalised learning are made in consultation with parents.  

If pupils fail to make progress or have difficulty in physical education then the teacher discusses this with relevant staff. This may lead to discussions taking place with the SENDCO and the class teacher, and decisions made about support.   

For further information please refer to the Special Educational Needs Policy and Accessibility Plan 

Cultural Capital

At West Acton, we aim to provide our children with the courage, skills, aptitude and confidence to enable them to be responsible citizens within their communities.  Through developing children in physical education they will be able to lead healthy and active lives, creating a positive impact on the society within which they live. Our physical education curriculum aims to expose children to a wide range of sports and games as well as dances from a variety of cultures. They may encounter these in the wider society or wish to explore them further in their adult life. 

Pupils’ development of this is supported in a variety of ways. Connections are made with the local community through Featherstone School Sports Partnership which enables inter-school competition.  

Children have also additional opportunities provided by local sports clubs such as the London Broncos and Brentford Football Club. Links are made with wider society through curriculum enhancement activities based on national and international events such as the World Cup, Olympics and Paralympics. These also help encourage positive role models for the children of athletes with a wide variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds and abilities. Pupils are further encouraged to be positive role models by taking on leadership opportunities and training to be Active Champions.  

Home Learning  

It is essential that children continue to develop their fitness and sporting skills out of school as well as within it. The home-school partnership is sustained in PE by providing access and experience of a wide variety of external clubs/providers in school in order to inspire children with the desire to continue with these activities out of school. These include visits from The London Broncos, Brentford Football Club, Featherstone School Sports Partnership and the Football Samurai Academy. As part of this children have participated in rugby, football, new-age kurling, tri-golf and bowling. In addition, by ensuring children have experienced a wide variety of sports – including inclusive sports - as part of our varied PE curriculum, we hope children will be inspired to pursue these further outside of school. 

PE Curriculum Map