A welcoming community, growing and learning together.

West Acton Primary School, Noel Road, London W3 0JL


0208 992 3144

Governing Board Information


You can contact the Chair of Governors -  William Rollason - at admin@west-acton.ealing.sch.uk

The school has an engaged and proactive governing body, overseeing the the strategic direction of the school. The Governing Body has 13 members which is made up of parents, local authority, staff and co-opted governors.

There are two committees:

  • Curriculum Committee

  • Resources Committee

The governors access a range of training and development opportunities provided by the local authority, as well as training to meet specific needs provided by externally sourced consultants and the expertise of other local governing bodies. The annual Governing Body work plan is based on a self evaluation which is completed annually and links directly to the school's own priorities and self evaluation.


The Governing Board's Vision Mission and Values Statement


Our vision for the school is that it is an ambitious and innovative organisation:

  • Where people are valued and listened to
  • Where pupils become enquiring, well-educated and confident individuals
  • Where pupils leave the school having achieved their full potential both educationally and personally
  • That provides a safe and inclusive environment in which staff and pupils alike can experiment with and explore new ways of teaching and learning


Our Mission as a Governing Board is to:

  • Encourage, challenge and support the Senior Leadership Team in realising the school’s mission
  • Demonstrate our commitment to the school’s values-inspired ethos through our interaction with the school community and our good practice in governance
  • Ensure that the resources of the school are used effectively and efficiently to secure the best possible outcomes for our pupils
  • Monitor developments in education at national and local level and their potential impact on the school in order to plan appropriately for its continued success


As a Governing Board, we uphold the following values in order to achieve our vision and mission:

  • Openness
  • Collaboration
  • Respect for all
  • Empowerment of others
  • Commitment to the principles of good governance
  • Reflection in order to improve our practice


  1. 3 Year Strategy Statement

Over the next three years, the Governing Board will seek to:

Results and student outcomes

  • Facilitate the continuous improvement of pupil results and outcomes consistently working towards aligning resources to enable all pupils to achieve their potential and make substantial and sustained progress in all areas of the curriculum. (see Annex 1).
  • Enable an environment where staff are able to rigorously work towards narrowing gaps so that all pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Staff recruitment, retention and performance

  • Make the school an attractive place to work with a strong sense of school community where people have good career progression and receive outstanding professional development.
  • Invest in our greatest resource, our staff, with a focus on developing our own teaching staff within the school. Where necessary employ external talent and experience to ensure overall excellent provision by inspired and passionate teachers.

Structure and Governance

  • Ensure that the structure and governance of the school enables West Acton Primary School continue providing the best possible education for all its pupils and serve the local community.
  • Consider possible ways that the school might change its status in order to plan for a future of changing educational policy.

Raising reputation and profile

  • Raise the reputation and profile of West Acton Primary School as welcoming community, growing and learning together (see Annex 2 for definitions and details).