Remote Learning
During periods of long term closure, in exceptional circumstances such as Government imposed lockdowns (national, local or class/year groups) staff at West Acton Primary School will continue to provide education and support to our pupils using remote learning.
All learning will be conducted by using a mix of the Office 365 Teams apps and online learning resources and paper resources. This will allow staff to keep in daily contact in a professional and confidential manner with their class. Teachers will be able to schedule learning in a manner that does not overwhelm our pupils. Teaching and learning can be tailored, changed and updated as time progresses, allowing for replication of classroom activity to the best of our ability. In all communications we will prioritise the wellbeing of our pupils and consider the resources available to us.
Each period of Remote Learning will have different stakeholders, needs and timescales and each group will be provided with specific information, timetables and remote learning content.
We realise that the circumstances that cause our school to close will affect families in a number of ways. In our planning and expectations, we are aware of the need for flexibility from all sides:
- parents/carers may be trying to work from home so access to technology as a family may be limited
- parents/carers may not feel confident to support their child’s learning
- parents/carers may have two or more pupils trying to access technology and need to prioritise the needs of siblings
- teachers may be trying to manage their home situation and the learning of their own pupils
- systems may not always function as they should
- pupils with EHCP and/or additional needs will continue to receive the therapies and treatments as much as possible
An understanding of, and willingness to adapt to, these difficulties from all parties is essential for success, partnership and well being.
Given the different situations facing staff and families, ‘Live’ input sessions will be recorded and posted at the start of each day. This is for various reasons:
- Technical issues cannot affect the teaching
- Teachers will not have to stop teaching to respond to queries
- Pupils will be able to access the live teaching at different times in the event of limited device or time constraints such as parents/carers dropping non isolating siblings to school.
Live recording sessions will be around 15-20 minutes each and will lead to a task being set. Teachers will then be available live through Office365 to answer queries or support during the day.
Microsoft Teams
We used Microsoft Teams for our remote learning. The video below is an example of how we used Microsoft Teams for the 2019/2020 school closures. Please watch the video below to check that you are familiar with using Microsoft Teams in the event of another closure.
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Government video: Top tips to support parents with remote learning