Our aim for religious education is to learn about and learn from different religions and beliefs. We want children to know that their own belief systems and those of others are valued and respected. We encourage children to share their knowledge and experience with others. You have the right to withdraw your child from R.E. lessons should you wish, but we would like you to come and talk to us about this before finalising your decision. We are follwoing the Ealing RE scheme of work which is currently under review.
The 1988 Education Act states: “Religious education has equal standing in relation to core subjects of the national curriculum in that it is compulsory for all registered pupils.”
In West Acton Religious Education has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes respect and tolerance towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The main aim of Religious Education is to engage pupils so they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, and cultural practices of the UK’s principle religions and worldviews and of their influence in the local, national and wider global community.
The key aims for Religious Education are echoed in the two attainment targets.
Attainment Target 1- Learning about religion and belief
Attainment target 2- Learning from religion and belief
The development of knowledge, skills and understanding concentrates on these two key aspects of learning.
West Acton is a state school, therefore we deliver Religious Education in line with the Ealing locally agreed syllabus theme, Religion and Worldviews: “Believing, behaving, belonging.”
RE is taught weekly to ensure we meet the expected time allocation and the curriculum coverage it needs to fully explore the subject. In order to make religious education thought-provoking we employ a variety of teaching methods, including art, music, discussion, the development of enquiry skills, drama, the use of artefacts, pictures, stories, and the use of periods of stillness and reflection. Within each theme throughout the Key Stages there is a ‘big’ question which is explored through the learning, as well as further questions to allow them to delve deeper into themes. The pupils are encouraged to produce their own questions about theirs or other people’s religion and worldviews. By following the local agreed syllabus, “Believing, behaving, belonging.” we ensure that there is coverage of the UK’s main religions & beliefs either through direct study or a themed approach e.g. special places. Wherever appropriate, we make links with other aspects of the curriculum such as PSHE, British Values and our school values. We also make use of assembly time (Due to Covid, this is taking part in class) to celebrate and explore religious events or practices.
All pupils have access to West Acton prayer room at lunch time in order to practice their beliefs. (Currently under review due to Covid 19).
Additionally, our pupils have opportunities to encounter local faith communities through visits to places of worship or visits from members of these groups to the school.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education lesson by request to the Head Teacher. Should you wish to, we would like you to come and talk to us about this before finalising your decision.
Pupils develop a knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of the other principle religious and non-religious belief traditions represented in Britain today. This will include reflecting on the impacts of these beliefs within school and in their own communities. Pupils are able to discriminate between those traditions, beliefs and practice that deserve respect, and those practices and beliefs that can lead them into danger. Pupils grow in their spiritual development and have a sense of awe, wonder and mystery about the world around them. In preparing for life in society, pupils are aware of their own exploration in the quest for the meaning of life and are open to the different ways others will respond to them. Pupils deepen their own beliefs and values in the light of the beliefs of others, both religious and non-religious and the values of the school community. Children demonstrate a positive attitude towards people of any or of no religion and show an understanding of cultural beliefs different to their own. They demonstrate respectful behaviour to all and this is transferable outside of school in the wider community and beyond.
Cultural Capital
Our Religious Education curriculum strengthens pupil’s cultural capital as pupils gain essential knowledge and understanding of the world and society, to become well rounded educated citizens. Pupils acquire skills to respectfully challenge others, both in the search of their own spiritual deepening and in being curious about others. Through Religious Education pupils gain a broader view of religious and secular communities including trips and visits.
Home Learning
Pupils are encouraged to use their inquiry skills to find out about their own faith or belief and that of others, therefore engaging in discussion with members of their families or friends. Children have home access to Espresso Faith and Purple Mash online resources and activities to further deepen their knowledge and understanding of faiths and beliefs. BBC Bitesize is also a great resource for learning more about religion and worldviews, with videos and facts to further awareness.
Click on the year groups below to reveal links to support classroom learning in the units covered this year:
What makes people special to us? (YouTube)
What can we learn from special stories? (YouTube)
What can we learn from special stories? (YouTube)
What times are special to us? (Espresso)
What times are special to us? (YouTube)
How should we look after our world? (Espresso)
What makes a place special? (YouTube)
What things are special to us? (Espresso)
What do Christians believe about God? (YouTube)
What can we learn from Creation stories? (Espresso)
What can we learn from Creation stories? (YouTube)
What can we learn from Creation stories? (YouTube)
What is Islam? (YouTube)
What is Islam? (Espresso)
Why is prayer important for many people? (BBC Bitesize)
Why is prayer important for many people? (BBC Bitesize)
Why is prayer important for many people? (Purple Mash)
What does it mean to be a member of the Jewish community? (BBC Bitesize)
What role do festivals and holy days play in the life of faith? (BBC Bitesize)
What role do festivals and holy days play in the life of faith? (Espresso)
What is Buddhism? (YouTube)
What is Buddhism? (BBC CBeebies)
What is the place of the church in Christianity? (Espresso)
What is Humanism and what do Humanists believe? (BBC Bitesize)
How do we mark stages in the human journey? (Espresso)
What does it mean to be a Hindu? (BBC Bitesize)
What does it mean to be a Sikh? (BBC Bitesize)
What does it mean to be a Sikh? (BBC Bitesize)
What is the significance of Easter within Christianity? (BBC Bitesize)
What is the significance of Easter within Christianity? (Espresso)
What is the significance of Easter within Christianity? (Purple Mash)
How do sacred scriptures inform religious beliefs? (BBC Bitesize)
Why is pilgrimage important in some religious traditions? (BBC)
Why is pilgrimage important in some religious traditions? (BBC)
Why is pilgrimage important in some religious traditions? (Purple Mash)
What does Sikhism teach us about selfless service? (YouTube)
What does Sikhism teach us about selfless service? (Espresso)
What can we learn from symbols? (
What can we learn from symbols? (YouTube)
Why are festivals, celebrations and High Holy Days so important within Judaism? (Espresso)
Why are festivals, celebrations and High Holy Days so important within Judaism? (YouTube)
What do Muslims believe? (Espresso)
What do Muslims believe? (YouTube)
What do Jewish people believe about God? (YouTube)
What do Jewish people believe about God? (BBC Bitesize)
How can significant figures inspire us? (YouTube)
How can significant figures inspire us? (YouTube)
What does it mean to follow the Buddha? (YouTube)
What does it mean to follow the Buddha? (Espresso)
What do sacred texts within Hinduism say about God? (YouTube)
What do sacred texts within Hinduism say about God? (Espresso)
What contribution can religion and non-religious beliefs make to our society? (Espresso)
What contribution can religion and non-religious beliefs make to our society? (Espresso)
What does Buddhism teach us about human experience? (Espresso)
What is significant to Christians about Jesus’ life and teaching? (BBC Bitesize)
What is significant to Christians about Jesus’ life and teaching? (YouTube)
In what ways can the art and design express different beliefs? (YouTube)
In what ways can the art and design express different beliefs? (National Gallery)
What place do festivals, worship and celebrations have within Hinduism? (BBC Bitesize)
What place do festivals, worship and celebrations have within Hinduism? (Espresso)
How is human identity and belonging shaped by faith and non-religious beliefs? (YouTube)
How is human identity and belonging shaped by faith and non-religious beliefs? (Espresso)
What does it mean to be a Muslim? (Espresso)
What can we learn from Humanism? (BBC Bitesize)
What can we learn from Humanism? (Understanding Humanism)
Why is the Torah so important within Judaism? (YouTube)
Why is the Torah so important within Judaism? (Espresso)
In what ways do Christians in different denominations worship? (YouTube)
In what ways do Christians in different denominations worship? (YouTube)
How can religion and non-religious world views promote peace and justice in our society? (USIP)
What happens in the Mosque? (YouTube)
What happens in the Mosque? (YouTube)
What happens in the Gurdwara? (BBC Bitesize)